Winner of the 3rd K.R.Ramamani Memorial Taxation Moot Court Competition
Winners | College |
1.Aishwarya.K.Iyer |
Sastra University - School of Law, Thanjavur |
Runners-up of the 3rd K.R.Ramamani Memorial Taxation Moot Court Competition
Runners-up | College |
1.Raveesha Gupta |
Best Memorial of the 3rd K.R.Ramamani Memorial Taxation Moot Court Competition
Winners | College |
1.Aishwarya.K.Iyer |
Sastra University - School of Law, Thanjavur |
Joint Winners of the 3rd V.S.Sundaram Research Paper Competition Results
Name of the Author | College |
Kaustubh Jagannath Topale |
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar College Of Law, Nagpur |
Abhijeet Tushar & Priti Sinha |
National Law University, Odisha |